Inspired by the principles dictated by the ISO/IEC 27001 standard and NIST Recommendations SP800-53, NIST SP800-171, the Information and Cyber Security activity allows to create a management system for information security and have a clear view of the Cyber exposure of the company.

Learn more about our Information & Cyber Security services

  • ISO/IEC 27001 Certification
  • Gap Analysis ISO/IEC 27001
  • CSF model implementation
  • Risk Management
  • Introduzione alla ISO/IEC 27001
  • Lead Auditor ISO/IEC 2700
  • Information Security Awareness
  • Internal Audit SGSI
  • Supplier audits
  • Tecnichal Audit
  • CyberSecurity Inspection
    in accordance with
    ISO/IEC 17020

Our ``out of the box`` approach will be a winner for you

You can call us at +393496847531 to get to know us better