The German Association of the Automotive Industry or VDA (Verband del Autobilindustrie) issued a standard for information security assessments in the automotive industry (VDA – ISA) in 2017. It is based on the fundamentals of the international SO/IEC 27001:13 standard and added specific security controls adapted to the automotive industry. This standard is aimed at increasing the security level of information sharing between Car manufacturers and its suppliers and sub-suppliers.

VDA-ISA standard is de-facto recognised as a reference for the Automotive sector and is the subject of an auditing and certification mechanism, known as TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment eXchange).

TISAX Certified Companies can access a Database viewable by car Manufacturers (ENX Portal), facilitating the selection of the providers, which is based on their ability to ensure security information and therefore, to protect the industrial secrets and clients’ business orientations.

Learn more about our Automotive Cyber Security services

  • Gap Analysis TISAX
  • Activities for achieving LABEL TISAX
  • TISAX documentation development
  • TISAX implementation
  • Internal Audit TISAX
  • TISAX audits on suppliers

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